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by xu weiliang

teaching aims:

(1) make students pay attention to the environment around them and do their best to protect the environment.

(2) get the ss to improve oral english by talking.

important points & difficult points:

(1) students are expected to express their own opinions on protecting the environment.

(2) encourage students to speak freely.

teaching methods

(1) discussion

(2) ask and answer

teaching aids

1) a tape recorder

2) a computer


step 1 lead-in

today, we’ll learn something about the environment. first, let’s enjoy a song called earth song by michael jackson.

do you like the music?

do you think the environment in the earth is important for us?

what is your picture of earth in your mind ?

(then show the students a picture ) look at the picture and answer my question .

why is the earth crying ?

(the earth is facing serious problems)

what are the problems?

step 2 discussion

then ask students to look at the pictures in the book.

now let’s discuss the pictures then answer some questions.

look at the picture above and discuss which ones are caused by nature and which ones are caused by man?

then show some pictures of the city of pompei. ask the students some questions.

what city is in the picture?

what caused the destroy of the city of pompeii?

(mount vesuvius erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. all the people in pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.)

can you think of other natural disasters that damage the environment?

step 3 talk about natural disaster

ok. please look at the screen.

the picture is about some kinds of natural disasters. then let’s talk about these disasters one by one.

reference (something about tang shan earthquake:

on july 28th, 1976, at 3:42 a.m. local time, a powerful earthquake recording m8.2 took place in northeastern china about 95 miles east of beijing near tang shan, an industrial city of about 1 million people. many eye witnesses said they saw a bright flashed across the sky which was followed by a deafening roar just before the shaking began.)

then show some pictures of the city of loulan. ask the students some questions.

what city is in the picture?

what caused the city of loulan to disappear ?

(it was gradually covered over by sandstorms from ad 200 to ad 500.)

what caused the sandstorms ?

can you think of other ways in which people damage the environment?

step 4 talk about problems of the earth

besides natural disasters. the earth is now facing other problems .lets try to find some of them and the effects, the causes and the solutions to them.

water pollution


many people don’t have enough clean drinking water. make people get sick.


factories pour waste into rivers/lakes/seas. people throw rubbish into rivers/lakes.


use new technology to make sure that factories are green and clean. clean the water in the rivers/lakes. save water in our daily life.

air pollution


make people get sick or even die. make the environment dirty.

cause acid rain(酸雨).

causes factories, power stations, cars, air conditioners give off waste gas. burn coal and oil.


the harmful smoke should be made harmless before it goes into the air. ride bikes more. limit the number of cars./make cars that don’t pollute the air.

rubbish/waste pollution


make the environment ugly, dirty and even dangerous. cause diseases.


throw rubbish in the streets or in nature. buy products that use too much packaging.


throw waste in rubbish bins.

buy products that use less packaging. recycle as much as possible.

deforestation desertification


cause bad weather (sandstorm).

lands or mountains turn into desert. cause starvation.

causes cut too much wood. rich surface soil will be blown away by wind or washed by rain down to hills and into rivers.


use less wood . plant more new trees. try to make desert areas become green land.



cause society problems: violence, crime…

many people die.



uneven distributions of wealth

lack of education


no wars; rich countries should help people who can’t get enough food or education.


as a student, what can you do to reduce waste pollution and protect our environment? discuss with your partners and write down the things you can do.

divide the class into two groups. the group which has more ideas will be the winner.

group a:

group b:

step 6 summary and homework

today we have talked about the environment of the earth and the ways to solve the earth’s problems. after class, please think more ways to protect environment. and preview next period.


一、教学内容 pre-reading; reading; comprehending



l 认识节日的分类以及节日对人们生活的影响,从更深入的层面理解各国节日的意义。

l 运用略读(skimming)、找读(scanning)、细读(careful reading)等阅读技巧来掌握篇章中心内容,获取阅读文章中的关键信息。

l 根据上下文,理解本课的生词、词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, play a trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night。


步骤一 略读(skimming)




步骤二 找读(scanning)





3. 在老师的指导下,全班合作填写练习1表格中的第一行。然后,老师要求学生独立完成余下的三行表格的填写。学生完成表格的填写后,老师作点评。


步骤三 细读(careful reading)

1. 学生仔细阅读课文,独立完成comprehending中练习2的问题1~3,然后请几个学生回答,最后全班核对答案。



1) festivals of the dead are for hornouring or satisfying dead ancestors or others, who some people believe might return to help or harm living people.

2) autumn festivals are happy events because people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished.

3) at spring festivals, people usually have dances, carnivals and other activities to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring.

2. 学生4人一组讨论问题4~5,然后每组选出一名代表,汇报讨论结果,最后老师给予指导并得出尽可能一致的意见。



1) it is important to have festivals and celebrations so we can enjoy life / be proud of our customs / forget our work for a little while.

2) the chinese, japanese and mexican festivals of the dead all have customs to honour the dead. the chinese and japanese go to clean their ancestors’ tombs.

步骤四 归纳内容、对比




步骤五 解决阅读中学生遇到的困难

老师要求学生朗读课文。然后4人一组根据上下文讨论在阅读中遇到的难以理解的单词和词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, play a trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night等,先是组内探讨解决,组内解决不了的,老师给予帮助。


步骤六 归纳整理、复述课文

1. 老师事先用投影呈现出本课信息图,学生在老师的引导下,共同完成信息图中的信息填写,选一名学生填写投影中的信息图(可用词或短语)。然后学生根据“信息图”用自己的话复述课文:


步骤七 作业




万瑶 李海棠 支明


1.参加_______________________ 11.maintain a balance of__________________

2.纪念…,向…表敬意_________________ 12.enter sth. into sth._____________________

3在开幕式上__________________________ 13.look at doing sth._____________________

4.打破记录________________________ 14.come up with a good idea________________

5.对…做出贡献_____________________ 15.compete with sb. in sth.__________________

6.试图、努力做某事__________________(v.)16.join sb. in doing sth.___________________

_________________________________(n.) 17. with their attempts to push the limits of

7.在…中发挥作用,在…中扮演角 human achievements________________________

______________________________ 18.be recognized as sth.__________________

8.使…处于控制之下____________________ 19.be delighted to do____________________

9.给…让路,让位给…_________________ 20.a lighted match____________________



1.i b______ $2,000 for the painting.

2. finish your tasks in time , o_________ i’ll punish you .

3. china will be the h_______ country for the olympics.

4. the doctor advised her to have a p__________ examination.

5. the suggestions he made at the meeting were of great s_____________.

6. the kids sleep in s_________ beds.

7. he r________ from the business when he was 60.

8. they had warned me on the p__________ day.

9. her o_________ left the tennis court in tears.

10. ioc stands for international olympic c___________.


1. both the boys wanted to compete _____ the race.

a.in b.for c.against d.with

2. no matter _____ hard it may be, i will carry it out.

a.what b.whatever c.how d.however

3. european football is played in 80 countries, _____ it the most popular sport in the world.

a.making b.makes c.made d.to make

4. there is a party tonight _____honor of our new president.

a.for b.in c.with d.on

5. i shall be delighted ______ with you.

a.go b.going c.to go d.to going

6. he found _____very difficult to get to sleep.

a.this b.that c.its d.it

7. great changes _____ in china in the past few years.

a.were taken place b.took place

c.have been taken place d.have taken place

8 -----where and when _____ the first modern olymipcs held?

-----1896 in athens,greece.

a.were b.was c.are d.is

9. the founding of the people’s republic of china is a great ____ in the history.

a.affair b.business c.matter d.event

10. a quarter of the class _____ students from the country.

a.are b.is c.was d.have

11. i must answer all the questions, _____ i?

a.mustn’t b.don’t c.shouldn’t d.won’t

12. i _____ there, but i couldn’t find time.

a.would be b.should be c.should have been d.ought to be

13. you’d better bring an umbrella with you, _____ you?

a.wouldn’t b.couldn’t c.shouldn’t d.hadn’t

14. we don’t allow _____ in the reading room. who has allowed you _____ here?

a.smoking; to smoke b.to smoke; smoking c.smoking; smoking d.to smoke; to smoke

15. -----there is a lot of smoke coming out of the house.

-----really? it _____be a fire, most probably.

a.must b.might c,ought to d.can

16. -----where will you start your work after graduation?

-----mmm, it’s not been decided yet. i _____ continue my study for a higher degree.

a.need b.must c.would d.might

17. -----i telephoned you twice last night, but anyhow, i couldn’t get through to your house.

-----i think that the lines might have been out of order, _____?

a.don’t you b.haven’t they c.weren’t they d.hadn’t they

18. why _____ you insist on marrying that girl? you really disappoint me!

a,should b.shall c.need d.must

19. the international agreement, _____ to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on february 27 this year.

a.intending b.to intend c.intended to be intended

20. the teacher repeated the explanation several times _____ the child to understand it completely.

a.in order to b.so as to c.in order that d.in order for


1、since we’re not in a hurry ,we ____ _______ _______(不妨,不如做某事) wait for the next bus as this one is much too crowded .

2、--she looks very happy ,she _______ ________ _________(通过)the exam.

--i guess so .it’s not difficult after all.

3、-i didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because i had left my pen at home

---you ____ ________ ________ _________ (本可以借我的) wasn’t using it

4、he has a good way to _____ the students’ brains _______ (使学生头脑动起来) .

5、________ women ______ ________ to _____ _______ _____ their own _________ at a _______ festival ______ _______ _______ the wife of the greek god zeus.


6、______ _______ ________ would _______ _______ __________ for countries and people to live________ __________ ________ _______ .


7、we have every reason to believe that ______ 2008 beijing olympic games will be _______ _________ .


8、he is ______ ________ ___________ the greatest __________ ________ of ______ ______ .


9、______ me _____ _______ the olympic movement a successful future to _________ its _________ past.


10、i email my parents every _______ _______(每两天).

11、the ioc has still not _________ the sport because it wants to ________ ______ __________ of sports.


12、liu xiang _______ people ______ _______ ________ ________ when be became the first asian _____ _______ _________ _______ ________ in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.


m4 unit2的答案


1.bid 2. otherwise 3. host 4. physical 5. significance

6. separate 7. retired 8. previous 9. opponent 10. committee


1---5: acabc 6---10: ddada 11---15: acdac 16---20: dcdcd


1. might as well

2. must have passed

3. could have borrowed mine

4. get working

5. unmarried were allowed take part in competition separate in honor of

6. the olympic games make it possible peacefully side by side

7. the a success

8. widely recognized as distance runner all time

9. join in wishing match glorious

10. 2 days / second/other day

11.approved maintain a balance

12. excited all over the world to win the gold medal 110-metre



in this unit you will…

read a museum guide, a magazine article and an extract from a short story.

listen to descriptions of buildings and paintings and a song.

talk about paintings, paper art and buildings.

write notes and a description of a house.

learn how to use prepositions and relative clauses.


1 do you know these paintings and their painters? do you know any other works by these painters?(introduce these painters and their paintings.)

2 match some of the key words with the paintings.

example a: modern, war, dark colours

key words

style: realistic, abstract, pop, modern

subject: scenery, people, war colours: light/dark, bright, soft

shapes: round, square, clear lines: straight/wavy, hard

3 listen and identify the paintings.

tape script

(1) well, i really like this picture-it’s easy to see what’s happening.

like the bright colours-of the girl’s blue dress and her blonde hair.

i also like the round shapes in the picture. i think the topic is interesting too-the girl looks worried and she’s thinking about her boyfriend.

(2) personally, i think this one is good. it’s got very strong lines and you can almost feel the music. and the colours-they’re great-they’re really bright. i like abstract paintings because you have to use your own imagination to understand what the painter is trying to do. i think…

(3) this one’s my favourite. it shows the horrors of war really well with the dark, dark colours and the terrible images. the lines and shapes are square and geometrical. they show violence and pain. look at the house and the mother with her dead child. it’s a very frightening painting because…

(4) well, i think this one’s the best. i really like the bright colours and the clear lines. i love the colour of the water in the swimming pool. the style’s strange-it’s realistic, but very simple at the same time.

4 work in pairs. talk about the paintings. which of them do you like most?


a: i think c is nice. i like the bright colours and clear lines.

b: yes, it’s ok. but i prefer…

show some chinese painters and their paintings.

writing: describe a painter you like most and introduce his paintings.

key points

abstract research

straight hair / a straight line / put the room straight ( in order ) / walk straight

an international ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹

1. pain n. 疼痛;痛苦;悲痛 hurt in the body or mind

his broken leg gave him a lot of pain. 他的断腿使他非常疼痛。

she suffers greatly from a pain in the back. 她背痛很厉害。

bad teeth often cause pain. 坏牙常引起疼痛。

he has a pain in the head. 他头痛。

he gave his mother much pain by acting in such a foolish way. 他干这样的蠢事使他的母亲很痛苦。

n. 辛苦;劳苦 care; effort; trouble

he spares no pains. 他不辞劳苦。

he is at great pains to do his work well. 他竭尽全力把工作做好。

it takes pains to learn a foreign language well. 学好外语需要花大气力。

no gains without pains. 不劳则无获。

vt. 使痛苦;使疼痛 cause or give pain to; hurt

does your tooth pain you? 你的牙齿会痛吗?

does your leg pain you much? 你的腿很疼吗?

my head is still paining me. 我的头还在疼。


review the new words. prepare for next lesson.

lesson 1 a matter of taste

teaching aims:

to read the text

to practise using prepositions of time, place and movement

to describe a simple scene

teaching difficulties:

to practise using prepositions of time, place and movement

to describe a simple scene

teaching aids: computer and cassette

teaching procedures:

i. warming up

t: today we read an article named a matter of taste, guess what it is about?

t: the article is about art. show these pictures: cabbage, racing horse and poppy

who drew these pictures?

when students give their answers the teacher show the pictures of painters, qi beishi, xu beihong and chen yifei.

t: which one do you like best? why?

about these painters how much you know about them?

ii. reading: read the text, please

task 1

then answer the questions

1. who is famous for drawing pretty women?

2. who is more good at drawing simple pictures we often see in our life.

3. why did chen yifei use black as the background of poppy.

4. who held exhibitions abroad to advance chinese art?

5. what is xu beihong’s masterpiece?

task 2 talking

what characters do these pictures have?

racing horse: the moving hair on the horse’s mane and tail shows a horse running at high speed. using different shades of grey shows the sweat along the horse’s body. the painting of dark and light colors is a favorite of many art lovers.

poppy: to emphasis the woman even more, chen adds lots of detail to her dress and fan, and choose to paint the background black.

morning glory : leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.

iii. correct errors

1. chen yifei’s works is very valuable, and one of his paintings sold at us$ 503,000.

2. the end of the novel leaves readers guess and imagination.

3. her hand hold the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.

4. he traveled cross the country and painted many pictures.

5. it’s back eyes, that are fixed on the cabbage, show the creature’s interest in the cabbage.

6. the painting of dark and light color is favorite of many art lovers.

answers: 1. at 改为for 2.guess 改为guessing 3.hold 改为holding 4. cross 改为across 5.that 改为which 6. favorite前加 a

iv. language points

1. be fixed on用(眼睛等) 盯住,凝视;吸引(注意)

he was fixed on the moving snake, full of fear. 他盯着这条蠕动的蛇, 充满了恐惧。

tom fixed his attention on the picture that he was drawing.


2. leave “使/让(某人/某物)处于某状态, 接现在分词, 形容词,过去分词做宾语补足语。

don’t leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她在雨中等着。

leave the door open, please. 让门开着吧。

little tom ran out of the door, leaving the homework undone.

小汤姆跑了出去, 留下了没写完的作业。

3. be deep / lost in thought陷入沉思

dick was staring out of the window, lost in thought. 迪克盯着窗外,陷入了沉思。

4. add … to增添, 添加

do you want to add your name to the list? 你想把自己的名字加到名单里吗?

add up to 合计,总共

his whole school education added up to no more than one year.


5. show /take interest in对…表现出兴趣

david show interest in biology and want to do research in it in the future.


v. taste works

show the three painters’ works according to the character described in the text.

guess who drew it? xu beihong, qi baishi or chen yifei?

then show students more their works to improve art taste

vi. read to learn and vocabulary

do the exercise 2and 3

vii. grammar

do the exercise 4 and 5 to learn the use of prepositions of time, place and movement

do the exercise 6 to consolidate grammar

viii. language in use

2. shade n.[u] 荫;阴凉处 a place where it is dark because the sun does not shine directly

we sat down to rest under the shade of a tree. 我们坐在树荫下休息。

it’s very hot today; let’s sit in the shade under the tree. 今天很热,咱们坐在树荫下面吧。

there isn’t much shade here. 这儿阴凉地儿不多。

n.[c] 遮光物(罩);帘 thing that keeps strong light from your eyes

put down the window shade. 把窗帘拉下来。

n.[c] 色彩的浓淡 colour

i want the same colour in a lighter shade. 我要色调稍浅的相同颜色。

3. sweat n.[u] 汗 drops of water that come out of one's skin when one is afraid, etc.

he worked on until he was in a sweat. 他一直干到出一身汗。

vi. 出汗;冒汗 give out sweat

we sweat when it is very hot. 天气热时我们会出汗。

vi. 出水珠 form moisture in drops on the surface

the wall are sweating. 墙上渗出水气。

vi. (俗)卖力工作;勤奋工作 (colloq) work hard

he is always sweating(away) at his job. 他总是很卖力地工作。

4. youth n. 青年;青年时期;少年时期 the time when you are young

in my youth i played football. 我在年轻的时候踢足球。

he was friend of my youth. 他是我年青时代的朋友。

n. 少年;青年;小伙子 boy or young man

as a youth he showed no promise of becoming a great pianist.


half a dozen youths were standing at the street corner. 六位青年正站在街角。

n. 青年们;青年男女 young men and women

the youth of today are very lively. 现在的青年充满生气。

the youth of our country 我国的青年们 youth clubs 青年俱乐部 youth league 青年团

5. fix v. 使固定;安装 put something in place so that it will not move

the geography teacher fixed the map on the blackboard. 地理老师把地图钉在黑板上。

can this radio be fixed here? 这台收音机可以安在这里吗?

we sell at fixed prices. 我们按固定价格销售。

the meeting was fixed for nine o’clock that evening. 会议定在当晚九点举行。

v. 修理 mend something

can you fix my broken sandal? 我凉鞋坏了,你能给修修吗?

v. 确定,安排,定(计划) arrange something, make a plan

let’s fix a time for the party. 咱们给聚会订个时间吧。

come tonight and we'll fix things for you. 今天晚上来,我们给你安排一下。

6. creature n. 生物,动物 an animal

birds are creatures which fly. 鸟是会飞的动物。

there was not a living creature to be seen anywhere. 无论在哪里都看不到一个动物。

n. 人 a human being a cold-blooded creature

man, in a sense, is the creature of circumstances. 从某种意义上说,人是受环境支配的。

7. emphasise vt. 强调,着重 speak firmly to show that what you are saying is important

he emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调了谨慎驾驶的重要性。

he emphasized that this must be finished in time. 他强调这事必须按时完成。

8. detail n.[c] 详情;细节 one of the small parts that make the whole

don’t omit a single detail. 一点细节也不要漏掉。

i like your plan, now tell me all the details. 我喜欢你的计划,请把全部细节告诉我。

concrete detail 具体细节 essential (chief) detail 主要细节

minor detail 小节 a matter of detail 小事

9. cloth n.[u] (棉,尼龙,羊毛等)织物;布 material made from cotton, nylon, wool, etc.

this cloth wears well. 这布耐穿。

i have bought some cloth to make a pair of trousers. 我买了一些布做裤子。

here is a piece of cloth to clean the window with. 这里有一块擦窗户用的布。

n.[c] 作某种特殊用途的一块布 piece of this material made by weaving (cotton, wool, silk, linen, etc.)

a coarse cloth 粗布 composition cloth 合成纤维布 cotton cloth 棉布

10. fold vt. 折叠 to bend something back on itself

i folded the letter and then pit it into the envelope. 我把信折好后放进信封。

she folded the newspaper into four. 她把报纸折成了四折。

fold down the corner of a page 将书页摺角

11. shallow adj. 浅;水少的 not deep; with not much water

the river is shallow here; we can walk across. 这里河水很浅,我们可以趟过去。

these are shallow water holes. 这是一些浅水坑。

as a shallow man, he can’t give you any good advice.他是个知识浅薄的人,不可能给你什么好的忠告。

a shallow argument 浅薄的议论

lesson 2 great buildings

teaching aims:

to give opinions about buildings

to listen and make notes

to listen and identify stressed words that give new information

to practise describing places

teaching difficulties:

to listen and identify stressed words that give new information

to practise describing places

teaching aids: computer and cassette

teaching procedures:

i. warming up

t: today we have a lesson about great buildings. what do you think we call great buildings?

t: the teacher show some pictures of great buildings: such as taj mahal, india, pyramid, the great wall, notre dame de paris, eiffel tower and london bridge

can you say out these buildings’ names?

t: these famous buildings have become symbols of these countries.

when we describe a building we often mention its period, materials, features and kinds of building. now we will listen to a radio program about buildings you pay attention to these aspects.

ii. listening

task 1 do the exercise 3

in order to help students to understand the listening materials better, before listening to the cassette the teacher show these words.

medieval 中世纪的 marble 阳台

balcony 天使 ornament 大理石

angel 装饰物 loch 瓷砖

tile 湖湾

match the buildings in the photos with the names.

show the pictures of these buildings

which of the buildings do you like best? why?

do you want to know more about these buildings? now listen to the cassette

do the exercsie3.

it is more likely that students can’t get right information after listening the materials twice. so if necessary listen once again to complete the table.

task 2 do the exercise 4

listen to someone describing her favorite building. which of the building in the photos does she choose?

eilean donan castle

she likes it because it is mysterious, like something from a fairytale. when you get inside it’s sort of strange and ghostly.

after giving students answers listen to the cassette again to check answers.

task 3 do the exercise 5

first give student enough time to read the function file and students listen to the description again and complete it.

the teacher guide students to know what expressions we should use when we don’t know the exact word by the exercise.

task 4 do the exercise 6

study the listening strategies with the class,

remind students of the use of stress to mark important words in a sentence. ask them to listen for the stressed words which give some new information for the person listening.

play the cassette, pausing after each sentence to give students time to write down the stressed words.

ask the question: how many words do you write down?

ask students to give answers then the teacher gives the right answers.

listen to these sentences again. what are they?

the teacher gives the listening materials so that students understand what they didn’t catch.

iii. writing and speaking

do the exercise 7 to practise describing places

choose a building you like (or hate) in your area. make notes about it.

do the exercise 8

work in groups. describe your school buildings to your classmates, but don’t say its name. see if they can guess which building it is. use expressions from the function file.

the purpose is that the exercise can make the class lively, at the same time practise oral english.

key points:

12. feature n. [~s]相貌,面貌,容貌,五官

a man of fine features 美貌的男子,美男子

n. 显著的特征,特色; 要点[of]

a significant feature of our time 现代的重要特色

the geographical features of a district 某地区的地理特征

13. statue

a statue of nelson

14. ruin n. 毁灭;毁坏 destruction; extreme damage

the ruin of the house was caused by a violent tornado. 一阵猛烈的旋风把房屋卷倒了。

n. 毁灭,失败等的原因 anything that causes destruction, defeat, etc.

drinking was his ruin. 饮酒是他的祸根。

come to the brink of ruin 走近毁灭的边缘

v. 使毁坏;使毁灭 to destroy; to damage; to spoil

the storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁掉了庄稼。

ruin one’s health 损害自己的健康

ruin one’s life 毁灭自己的生命 ruin one’s reputation 玷污自己的名誉

lesson 3 chinese paper art

teaching aims:

to practise scanning the text to extract specific information

to practise using relative clauses.

to practise giving definitions of words with the help of relative pronouns

teaching difficulties:

to practise using relative clauses.

teaching aids: computer and cassette

teaching procedures:

i. warming up

t: look at the pictures on this page. what style do these pictures belong to?

s: chinese paper cut

t: which paper cut do you like most?

t: today we will read an article about paper cut. have you ever tried paper-cutting? on what occasions would you use paper cuts?

t: nowadays, paper cuts are chiefly used as decoration. they ornament walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes and are given as presents themselves.

now let’s look at some paper cuts and describe them.

picture 1. this paper cut is of a boy holding a big fish.

picture 2 the two women who are dressed in red are dancing.

picture 3. the monkey who is eating a big peach is really lovely.

picture4 the paper cut of red phoenix is fit for wedding party.

picture 5 these farmers are busy sowing in their fields.

ii. reading

how much do you know about paper cut? do you know the answers to these questions?

present the questions in exercise 4, and give students time to read these questions.

read the article and you will the knowledge of paper cuts

iii. voice your opinion

what meaning can you get from these paper cuts?

paper cuts with a long history is a special art form of china, and it plays an important part in people’s everyday life.

iv. knowledge structure

true or false

1. the writer want to learn the skill of paper cuts.

2. paper cut has something to do with clothing design.

3. relations often use paper cuts to do something for the dead on special days.

4. the earliest paper cut dates back to the southern song dynasty .

5. the text refers to us that paper cuts was once a necessary skill of a young woman.

6. paper cuts are early found in tombs in the northern and southern dynasty.

7. the text introduce the history and uses of chinese paper cuts.

answers: 1.f 2.t 3.t 4.f 5.t 6.t 7.t

correct mistakes

1. chinese paper cuts has long history.

2. paper cuts are usually put on gates and windows for good luck.

3. paper cuts are used for religious purposes are often found in temples.

4. these paper cuts are prepared for dead.

5. before marrying with her , the farmer want to see her paper cuts.

answers: 1. has后加 a 2.on改为up 3. 去掉are 4. dead前面加 the 5. 去掉with

language points

1. marry vt.

marry somebody娶某人,嫁给某人

he promises if he marries her, he will make her happy.他许诺如果他娶了她,会让她幸福。

be married to somebody与某人结婚一段时间

she has been married to her husband for ten years. 她已经和丈夫结婚十年了。

2. put up张贴,搭起(帐篷等)

put on 穿上, 上演,演出

put off推迟

paper cuts are usually put up during festivals. 剪纸通常在节日期间粘贴。

tom put on his coat and went out. 汤姆穿上衣服出去了。

we are putting the play on again next week, owing to its success.

由于演出的成功, 我们下星期再次上演这出戏。

because of the bad weather, we have to put off the sports meeting next week.

由于天气不好, 我们不得不把运动会推迟到下星期。

v. grammar

do the exercise 6,7, 8 and 9

by doing these exercise students will have a brief understanding of relative clauses

do the exercise 11and 12

key points:

15. purpose n. 目的;计划;意图 plan; intention; what you are going to do

“what was the purpose of your journey to london?” “i wanted to see buckingham palace.”


he went to the library with the purpose of finding a book about guns.


for the purpose of

on purpose

16. relate to vt. 说;叙述 tell, give an account of

he related his adventure. 他讲了他的奇遇。

he related the story to us at length. 他把这个故事详细地讲给我们听了。

he related just how the accident had occurred. 他描述了这次事故是怎样发生的。

we threshed out problems relating to production. 我们讨论了有关生产的问题。

we think all these are closely related questions. 我们认为所有这些都是互相紧密联系的问题。

vt. 关联;有亲属关系 be in the same family

we have the same name but we’re not related. 我们是同姓,但没有亲戚关系。

i am related to your family. 我和你家有亲戚关系。

vi. 相关;合适 have connection; fit in

your words don’t relate well with the facts. 你的话与事实不相符。

he notices nothing but what relates to himself. 除了同他自己有关的事情之外,他什么也不注意。

relate to : 1) 与…有关;涉及 be in relationship with, have reference to

this paragraph relates to the october revolution. 这一节内容是论述十月革命的。

2) 很好相处;适应 establish a social or sympathetic relationship with

she’s best at relating to people. 她最善于与人们相处。

be related to 与…有亲属关系,同一类型,物种

are you related to margaret? 你与玛格丽特是一家人吗?

are you related to alanis, the singer? 你与阿兰妮斯,那个歌星有亲属关系吗?

the zebra is related to the horse. 斑马和马是同一物种。

17. try out

the director is trying out some actors for the new play. 导演为那个新戏正请几位演员试演。

we won’t know if the plan is good till we have tried it out.


you ought to try out that radio before you buy it. 那部收音机你应该试了再买。

i’ll try it out and see whether it works. 我试试,看它是否有效。

i was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. 我还准备亲自尝试剪纸。

vi. homework do the exercise 10

lesson 4 dream houses


☆ to practise using the vocabulary of houses and rooms.

☆ to practise intensive reading and understanding the inferences in a text.

☆ to assess the difficulty of reading texts and comprehension exercises.

☆ to to practise the differences between american and english vocabulary.

☆ to plan and talk about a design for a study or bedroom.

☆ to listen to a description of a room and take notes.


work in pairs. discuss what your dream house would be like.

use the key words to help you.

example i’d like a big, modern flat in central shanghai. it would have…

key words

houses: cottage, flat, house, palace, castle

rooms: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, sitting room, hall, games room, kitchen

show some pictures of some kinds of houses and rooms.


read the text quickly. which of these things did the girl’s dream house have?

a swimming pool, a big garden (yard) with trees, a balcony, running water, a games room, three washrooms, “real” stairs, a basement


a big garden(yard) with trees;running water;three bathrooms(washrooms);

“real” stairs;a basement.


☆ read the text again and answer these questions:

1) how many places has the girl lived in?

a lot/ she can’t remember.

2) where did she live before mango street? why did they leave?

a third floor on loomis. they had to leave because the water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn’t fix them.

3) why did the girl want at least three bathrooms?

so that, when she took a bath, she would’t have to tell everybody.

4) who did mama and papa talk to about their dream house?

to the children.

5) what do you think was the biggest problem with the house on mango street?

students give their own answers, with reasons.

☆ read the text carefully, finish the multiple-choices.

1.how many places the writer lived are mentioned in the text?

a. one b. two c. six d. we don’t know the exact number.

2. which of the following statements about the house on mango street is true?

a. we need to pay rent to landlord.

b. the house is not a wanted house at all.

c. we should share the garden with others.

d. we can’t make too much noise there.

3.a landlord is _________.

a. a businessman b. a piece of land

c. an owner of a house d. a cleaner

4.why did they leave the flat on loomis?

a. because the house was too old.

b. because water pipes broke and nobody would fix them.

c. because we should share the washroom with others and carry water by ourselves.

d. all of the above.

5.can you find out the words in the text to replace them: garden, repair, toilet?

a. yard, flat , pipe b. fence, fix, pipe c. gallon, fix, basement d. yard, fix, washroom

6. the passage is mainly about________.

a. the places where they lived before moved to mango street.

b. the life on mango street

c. a dream house and a real house on mango street

d. the reasons why they moved to mango street. answers: 1 dbcdd, 6 c


american and british words

☆ find words in american english in the text which mean the same as these:

garden (line 8), to repair (line 12), toilet (line 13)

1 yard 2 to fix 3 washroom 4 basement

☆ match the american words with the british ones (underlined) in the text below.

after the (1)holidays i moved into my new (2)flat. it’s not in the (3)centre of the city, but it’s near an (4)underground station. it’s on the (5)ground floor of an house. it’s got a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom. the only problem is the (6)lorry which goes past at 7 o’clock every morning to collect the (7)rubbish and which wakes me up!

1 vacation 2 apartment 3 downtown area 4 (a) subway 5 first floor 6 truck 7 garbage


☆ how many of the objects below can you see in the photo of the room from fallingwater house?

key words

ceiling, walls, floor, door, window, french windows, curtains, chair, table, sofa, desk, bookshelves, bed, plants, lamp


ceiling; walls; floor; window; french window; fireplace; chair; table; sofa; plants.

☆ work in pairs. find out about your partner’s room.


a: where is the bed?

b: it’s in the bottom right hand corner. next to it there’s a …

do you like your partner’s room? why or why not?


write a passage to describe your own bedroom.

kind of furniture, position of furniture, colours (walls/ceiling/door/window)

key points

18. rent v. 租用;租入 to pay a sum of money for the use of property or goods

we don’t own our house, we rent it. 我们自己没有房子,这是租来的。

n. 租金;租费 a sum of money paid for the use of property or goods

the rent for the apartment is $80 a month. 那套公寓的租金为每月八十美元。

19. mercy n.[u] 慈悲,宽恕 kindness, not punishing someone when you have the right or power to punish him

have mercy on us! 可怜可怜我们吧。

the people’s enemies will be shown no mercy. 人民的敌人决不会得到宽恕。

they showed little mercy on their enemies. 他们对敌人不留情。

n.[c] 幸运,侥幸 blessing

we must be thankful for small mercies. 对小小的恩惠,我们也应当感恩。

that’s a mercy! 那真幸运!

20. bathe vt. 浸;洗;冲洗 wash a part of the body

he bathed his dirty hands. 他洗他的脏手。

bathe your blistered finger in hot water. 把你那起疱的手指浸在热水里吧。

i was bathed in sweat. 我汗流浃背。 she was bathed in tears. 她哭成了一个泪人。

vi. 在河或海里洗浴;游泳 swim or play in the sea, river, etc.

let’s go bathing in the river. 我们到河里去洗澡吧。

n. (在海里、河里)洗澡 bathing in the sea, river, etc.

i went for a bathe this morning. 我今天上午洗海水澡(或游泳)去了。

bath n. 洗澡 washing the whole body

i have a bath every evening. 我每天晚上都洗澡。 john wants to take a bath, too. 约翰也想洗澡。

we love to take cold baths in winter. 我们喜爱在冬天洗冷水澡。

n. 淋浴 shower a solar bath 日光浴

n. 澡盆;浴缸 big basin where you sit to wash yourself

amelia got into the bath. 阿米莉进了澡盆。 clean out the bath. 请把澡盆清理干净。

a wooden (large, etc.)bath 木(大)澡盆 a bath room 浴室 bath tub 澡盆

n. 洗澡水 the water, or water for a bath

his bath was too hot. 他的洗澡水太热。 her bath is ready. 她的洗澡水已准备好了。

vt. 给…洗澡 give a bath to

mrs lee is bathing the baby. 李太太正在给婴儿洗澡。

communication workshop

21. conclude vt. 结束 to bring or come to an end

he concluded his speech with a slogan. 他用一句口号结束了演说。

the meeting was concluded with the college song. 会议在校歌声中结束。

the meeting was concluded yesterday. 会议昨天结束了。

conclude by remarking that ... 结束时说……

fitly conclude one’s article 很适当地结束文章

vt. 推断出;断定 come to an idea after thinking

when he ran away from me, i concluded he was afraid. 当他从我这里跑掉时,我断定他害怕了。

we concluded that the animal was dead as it did not move.


vt. 完成;缔结 bring about as a result; complete

they concluded a treaty of peace. 他们缔结了一个和平条约。

peace has not yet been concluded. 和平(条约)尚未缔结。

conclude a treaty with the country 与该国缔结条约

conclude a treaty between the two countries 两国间缔结条约

conclude an agreement with sb. 与某人缔结协议

vi. 终了;结尾 come to an end; end

the report concludes as follows. 报告结论如下。



教学目标(teaching aims)

知识与技能(knowledge and skills)

1. 了解教学大纲关于语法填空的命题特点。

2. 能够根据语法填空的命题特点自己编语法填空的题目

3. 掌握语法填空的解题方法与技巧

过程与方法(process and methods) 让每一位同学都能参与到课堂教学与活动中来,以小组或结对 的形式进行相互学习和讨论。


(feeling, attitudes and values) 学习应对语法填空是与课文相结合,让学生在了解各种不同诗歌形式的背景下学习语法填空的设题与解题特点,从而更加理解英语诗歌的特色,更加懂得如何阅读和欣赏英语诗歌。



(important points) :1. 让学生了解语法填空的命题特点

2. 掌握语法填空的解题方法与技巧


(difficult points):语法填空中词性的转换


(teachers’ activities)

step i: lead-in

① review the new words and expressions of this unit by them together, and then do task 1---speak out the other forms according to the giv en words

② listen to the song jingle bells and try to fill a word into each blank.

step ii : pre-practising

1. questions

① do you think it is difficult to complete the items of blank-filling with grammar knowledge?

② have you figured out the characteristics of the item?

2. explaining

in this item there are 10 blanks for you to fill in with less than one proper word

① some blanks with a given word while others with none

② fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word according to its grammatical and logical meaning.

③ choose a preposition, pronoun, conjunction or an article to fill in the blank without any given word.

3. discussion

how can we finish the items step by step with our grammar knowledge?

① ___________________________________________.

② _ __________________________________________.

③ ___________________________________________.

step iii : while-practising

1. making an item of grammatical blank-filling based on the para graph of the text.

① more than 5 blanks.

② some blanks with given word.

③ others with none.

2. exchange the item you made for your partner to complete it .

3. the whole class finis h the one the teacher prepared for them.

step iv : post-practising

1.check some of the students’ anwsers and give comments.

2.draw a conclusion

step v: homework assign ment

1. further improve your skills of dealing with the grammar filling.

2.complete ex.2 on page 10, nanfang new class


period 1

pre-class task: about vocabulary of item in the olympic games

step 1 word game:

part 1: each group get 4 words to guess. one points for each.

part 2: the quickest to match the word correctly can get 2 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong,

1 points will be lost.

shot put 击剑

discus throw 摔跤

javelin throw 悬挂式滑翔

marathon 冰球

canoeing 举重

ice hockey 马拉松

weightlifting 划独木舟

wrestling 铁饼

fencing 推铅球

hang-gliding 标枪

part 3: the quickest to guess the word correctly can get 2 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong,

1 points will be lost.

rings, high bar, side hors(鞍马)e, vaulting horse(跳马), double bar, free exercises

step 2 warming up

talk about when ,where, and anything you know about the olympics according to the pictures given.

1. get ss to talk about pictures

teacher can give one example

2. let 2 ss share their understanding of the pictures and act it out for the class

step 3. speaking activity 1 ( warming up p17)

page 49 now turn to page 49 and look at exx.1&2

1.read through the words and fill in the form

2.work in pairs and make a simple dialogue using the information in the form by asking:

do you know which sports are usually part of the winter olympics?

which sports are played between team?

in which sports are chinese athletes the best?

3.pairs to act it out

step 4 speaking activity 2

teacher help the ss to talk about their hobbies(about sports) by teaching them some expression.

1. show some useful express

asking about giving answer, advice, and making decision

taking about hobbies:

1)which sport do you like best?

what’s your favorite sport?

what are your hobbies?

which do you prefer, ..or..?

are you interested in …?

2)why do you like…?/what do you learn from…

3)how do you become good at them?

4)can you tell me sth. about them? giving answer, and making decision:

1)i prefer…(to)…/ i like …(best).

2)i (don’t) like (because)…

3)i (don’t) think…(it’s because)…

4)i’m sure that…

5)i’m not sure whether…

6)there is no doubt…

7)don’t you think that…?

2. explain them if necessary.

3. give some words of sports for ss to talk with their partner.

4. act it out

step 6 homework

1.find out the fact in warming up to the number given to you (it’ll be checked tomorrow)

2.finish exx.1-4 on p11-12

3.《课程探究》exx 1&2

4.go over the new words.

period 2

step 1 number game

have the ss to open the book on page 9, try to match the number to the events. the one who get the closest answer will get 1 point of the group

1. show the number to the ss

2. have the ss write down the answers by filling with the number in the table

776 b. c. the ancient olympic games start in greece.

393 a. d. the ancient olympic games stop

1896 the modern olympic games start in greece.

311&13 the numbers of competitors & countries took part in 1896

1932 china first joined in the games.

1984 china first got gold medal by xuhaifeng.

10.000&119 the numbers of competitors & countries joined in sydney olympic

china got the 2th place in athens.

china will host the 29th summer olympics in beijing.

3. check and give points to the group.

step 2 pre-reading

showing the motto of the beijing 2008 olympic games bid (北京奥运申报口号) to the whole class.

1. raise a question: “do you know more about the olympics history?”

2. get the ss to read about an interview to get more.

3. get the ss to make sure the relationship between pausanias and lili

step 3 reading comprehension

read the olympic games

1. make sure the information they have to get:

the 29th olympics the old olympics

the olympic games

the 27th olympics the modern olympics

1st time: read the text quickly and find out the answers to the following qs:

1). the old olympics: when / where / who/what to get

2). the modern olympics: how often / how many sets / who

3). the 27th olympics: when / where to live/ for the spirit of…

4). the 29th olympic: when / where/ what to get2nd time: read the text carefully and answer the question on page 11,have the ss:

. 1.read the passage again and find out the answers to the questions in ex 2

2.discuss the answers with your partner

3.tell the whole class the answers

step 4 summing up

1 individual work, take out a piece of paper to sum up the text

2.pair work: “close the books, talk about the olympics with what you have learnt & your own knowledge.”

3.act it out

step 5 homework


2.finish ex.1 of a table on p11

3.p50 ex.2, p51 reading task

4.go over notes on page 78-79.

period 3 & 4

step 1 homework checking & motivating

1.check the homework

2. talk the motto of modern olympic games: swifter/faster, higher, stronger

step 2 language points

1. ss give the phrases and expressions according to the chinese t gives

2. ss raise qs on some difficult points they found while reading the text

reading text:

1. take part in/join in 参加

2. the spirit of ……精神、宗旨、灵魂

3. used to 过去常常

4. find out 查明,找出

5. every four years 每四年,每隔三年

6. all over the world (遍及)全世界

7. a set of 一套,一组

8. compete with/against 和……竞争

9. compete for… 为……而竞争

10. be admitted to 获准做某事

11. be admitted as 作为…被接受

12. reach the standard 达到……水平、标准

13. play an important role/part in 在……方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)

14. as well as 和……一样

15. think you for your time 感谢您(能抽空……)

16. come from the same root 同根

17. have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做……的机会

18. go with 伴随,与……搭配

19. relate…to… 把……与关联起来

20. relate with 和……有关

21. run against… 和……赛跑

22. hear of 听说

23. make sure 确定

24. take turns 轮流

25. one after another 一个接一个

take part in 参加

take part in, join, join in, attend的区别

take part in 指参加某种活动,如体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,并积极地起着作用。join指参加某组织并成为一员。join in 指参加活动或游戏,和take part in 相当。但join sb. in… (和某人一起做某事),不等于take part in。attend表示参加会议(聚会)等。

eg: we all took part in (joined in) the sports meeting.

compete vi. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

compete in…在某方面竞争

compete for…为……而竞争

compete with/against 与……竞争

eg: he believed that nobody could compete with him.

competition n竞赛 competitor n 参赛者 competitive adj 竞赛的

host vt 主办,举办 n (待客的)主人

eg: when do you think china will the world cup?

she was away, so her son acted as host.

英语中有许多词汇既可作动词,也可作名词:help, shop, talk 等。

used to do sth “过去常常做某事(现在已不)”

其中used to 看作情态动词,其否定形式和疑问形式为:1)否定:used not(usedn’t) to+do; did not(didn’t) use to+do 2)疑问:used+主语+to+do; did+主语+use to+do

eg: she usedn’t to play computer games, used she?

另外,1)be used to do sth.“被用于……”是use sth. to do sth.的被动形式,2)而be used to sth./doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”。

eg: 1)wood can be used to make desks.

2)i am used to the weather in guangzhou.

*every four years athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitor.

every adj 与数词连用,“每(隔)…...”,具体用法是:


每年:every year

每两年(每隔一年):every two years/every second year

每四年(每隔三年):every four years/every fourth year

表示“每隔一“还可用every other+单数名词,如:every other day

“每隔几…..”用every few+复数名词,如every few metres,每隔几米

admit 允许(加入某组织或参加某个活动)常用被动

be admitted to(介词) 获准做某事

eg: he was admitted to the club after his tenth try.

be admitted as 作为…被接受

eg: he was admitted as a member of the baseball team.


eg: 她承认已经看过这些信。

she admitted having read the letter.

you must admit the job to be difficult.

读音规律:admit这类词的重音落在最后一个音节上,形成了事实上的重读闭音节,过去时和过去分词必须双写最后一个辅音字母,然后再加-ed。类似的还有: permit-permitted, refer-referred, prefer-preferred

all over the world (遍及)全世界

two sets of 文中译为“两种”,一般译为“两套,两组”

*women are not only allowed to join in but (also) play a very important role especially in…

allow 可以组成几种短语:

1)allow sb. sth. 允许某人某事;

2)~ sb. in(out) 允许进入(出去);

3)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do) ~ doing sth. 允许干某事。

与此类似的动词短语还有:advise sb. to do, advise doing sth. / permit(许可“法令,规章等”) sb. to do, permit doing sth. (encourage鼓励 / forbid 禁止)

eg: passengers are not allowed to smoke in the waiting room.


we don’t allow smoking here.


play a role(part) in “扮演一个角色,在…..起作用”

eg: 要管理好学校,校长起着重要作用。

the headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school.

not only…but (also)可连接各种成分,连接句子时,not only引起的部分需要倒装。如:not only do the nurse want a pay increase, but also they want to reduce(减少) hours.

as well as 并列连词

1. 既……又;也;又。可连接两个并列成分,强调其前面的内容,因此连接并列主语时,谓语应与前面的主语保持人称和数的一致

eg: i as well as my sisters am going to the park for a picnic this sunday.

2. 还可作“不但……而且“解,相当于not only…but also,但前者强调的中心在as well as之前,后者在but also之后。

eg: it is important for you as well as for me.

另外,as well 副词短语,意思为“也”,放在句末。当放在主要动词之前,前面有may, just等时,意为“也好,不妨,还不如”

如:he has not only finished his own work, but helped others as well.


you might just as well tell me the truth.

*it’s just as much a competition among countries to host the olympics as to win an olympic medal.在所有参加竞争奥运会承办权的国家中获胜就如同获得一枚奥运会奖牌。

此句由as much as引起,第二个as后省略了a competition among countries

replace 取代;放回;替换

eg: he replace the book on the shelf.

have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做……的机会

go with 伴随,与……搭配

relate to… “…….与……有关联(相关)”

eg: if you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple.

注意:a relates to b a与b有联系; relate a with/to b 把a与b联系起来

marry vt(强调动作) :

1)结婚,嫁,娶; 2)使结婚(marry…to…:使…同…结婚)

eg: 1)he married a pretty girl.

2)he will never marry his daughter to anyone whose family is poor.

be/get married(强调状态)+ to(不能用with) sb 和……结婚

eg: he’s married to his job. 他全身心都投入到工作。

run against… 和……赛跑

no one will be pardon 没有人能被宽恕

hear of 听说

promise vt 1)允诺,答应 promise sb. sth.; promise (sb) to do sth.


eg: 1)he promised (her) never to tell a lie.

2) the clear sky promises fine weather.

vi 保证,有前途

eg: this project promises well. 这个工程大有前途。

n 诺言、字据,充当make, break, keep, carry out 的宾语

eg:if you make a promise, you should keep it, you ought not to break it


make sure +that clause 确定

take turns 轮流

one after another 一个接一个

step 3 pratice

fill in the blank, and retell the text

the olympic games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. there are two kinds of olympic games. one is __________________,the other is _________________. both of them are _____ every __________.all countries can take part if their athletes reach the ___________________ the games.women are not only _____ to join in but __________________. a _______________ is built for the competitor to live in, a _______for competition, a gymnasium ___________ seatsfor those who watch the games. it’s a great ____ to host the it. it’s just ________ a competition to host the olympic games __ to win a olympic ______. the olive wreath has been ______ by

medals. but it’s still about being able to run ______, jump ________and __________.

step 4 homework

1.《英语周报》test unit 2 all

2.finish ex.3 on p50


4.finish ex. 5 on p12

5.go over the new words for dictation in this unit.

period 5 & 6

step1 dictation

words and expression in this unit

step 2 grammar


1) 一般将来时被动语态由 “shall(will)+will+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。使用时应注意下面句型由主动语态变为被动语态的方法。

(1) 主语+谓语+宾语,例如:

主动:we’ll build a new house next year.

被动:a new house will be built(by us) nest year.


主动:my mother will give me a shirt.

被动:i will be given a shirt (by my mother).


主动:my mother will give me a shirt.

被动:a new shirt will be given to me (by my mother).

(3) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补。如果是含有复合宾语的主动句变成被动句时,将其中的宾语变为主语,宾补不变。例如:

主动:we’ll ask him to help you tomorrow.

被动:he will be asked to help you (by us).


(1) be going to be (done); be to be (done)

主动:we are to repair the machine tomorrow.

被动:the machine is to be repaired the (by us) tomorrow.

(2) shall(will)+get+过去分词(多用于非正式场合)

主动:i will get the work done.

被动:the work will get done by me.

(3) will+become+过去分词

the truth will become known..

step 3 listening

material 1 p51

1. read the following sentences (part 1)quickly

2. play the tape 2 times. check the answer

3. listen to the tape for the last to have a full understanding of the story.

material 2 p5148

1. read the following sentences quickly

2. play the tape 3 times. check the answer

3. listen to the tape for the last to have a full understanding.

step 4. homework

1. finish ex.1 on p49

2. finish ex. 3 on p13

3. go over the language points and grammar in this unit.


teaching plan for unit 1

teaching materials & analysis contents warming up p1

pre-reading p1

reading p1-2

comprehending p2

learning about language

discovering useful words & expressions

discovering useful structures p3-4

using language listening & speaking p5-8

reading, speaking & writing

summing up

workbook & test p41-47

importance 1. have students learn some useful new words and expressions and let them learn effective ways to remember english vocabulary.

2. get students to learn about the history of the amber room and famous cultural relics in china and abroad to stimulate their sense of cultural relics protection.

3. enable students to learn to tell the difference between facts and opinions to train their thinking and analyzing ability.

4. let students learn to give opinions and ask for opinions in english.

5. let students learn the. new grammar item:the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.

6. develop students’listening,speaking,reading and writing ability

difficulties 1. train students' thinking and analyzing ability by making them learn to tell from facts and opinions.

2. develop students’ speaking ability by encouraging them to give opinions and ask for opinions in english.

3. develop students’integrated skills.

teaching aims topic cultural relics protection;

famous cultural relics in china and abroad

vocabulary words race,valuable,survive,vast,dynasty,amaze,amazing,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel,artist, belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth,local,apart,painting,castle,trial,evidence,explode,entrance,sailor,sink,maid,informal,debate

expressions in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than,take apart,think highly of

functional items 1)asking for opinions

2)giving opinions

structures the attributive clause


of time 1st warming up pre-reading reading comprehending

2nd language points

3rd grammar

4th using language: reading & talking

5th using language: listening & speaking

6th using language: reading & writing 1)asking for opinions

7th revision

1)asking for opinions

the 1st period

unit 1 contents warming up pre-reading reading comprehending

teaching aims knowledge vocabulary words rare,valuable,survive,vase,dynasty,amaze,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel,artist,belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth

phrases in search of,be long to,in return,at war,less than

1. get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. let students learn about the history of the amber room.

ability 1. let students read the passage in search of the amber room to develop their reading ability.

2. enable students to learn to talk about cultural relics.

emotion 1. stimulate students’sense of cultural relic`s protection by reading the passage in search of the amber room.

2. develop students’sense of cooperative learning.


of the teaching materials importance 1. let students read the passage in search of the amber room and learn about the history of the amber room.

2. get students to learn different reading skills.

difficulties 1. develop students’reading ability.

2. enable students to learn to talk about cultural relics.

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teaching & learning methods 1. task-based teaching & learning

2. cooperative learning

3. discussion

teaching procedures

the 1st period

step 1 warming up

1. warming up by looking and talking

2. give students 4 minutes to read the passage carefully,and do exercise 1 and exercise 2 in comprehending on page 2.

3. listening and reading aloud

play the tape of the text for students to listen to and follow. then ask them to read the text aloud.

4. deal with some new words,expressions and structures.

5. discussion of style. let students discuss the following questions:,

how does this passage present facts about the amber room? can you find the opinions?

what is the author's attitude towards the amber room? how do you know?

step 2 pre- reading

turn to page 1 and finish pre- reading part.

step 3 reading

1. skimming for the general idea of each paragraph

ask students to read the passage fast to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph and fill in the chart.

the general ideas

paragraph the history of the amber room






2. scanning for detailed information

ask students to read the passage carefully to locate the detailed information.

do exercise 1 and exercise 2 in comprehending on page 2.

3. deal with any language problems students might meet while checking the

answers with the whole class.

4. reading aloud and underlining

ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebooks after class as homework.

be used to do..., be made into, make the design for the room,

feel as hard, as stone, be of the fancy style,

give the name, be made into any shape, be made with gold and jewels, in fact, as a gift of, in return,

be made to be a gift, serve as, add more details to...,

the search for, be made for, one of the great wonders,

art objects, look much like, at war,

remove... from., remain a mystery, be ready for…

step 4 consolidation

go over the key words with the students and write them on the blackboard. give students 3 minutes to prepare and then ask some to retell the story of the amber room to the class.

step 5 closing down by having a discussion

raise the following questions and discuss them with the students.

can you imagine the fate of the amber room? what is it?

do you think if it is worthwhile to reproduce the amber room? why?

step 6 homework

1. learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

2. read the text again and try to talk about the history of the amber room.

the 2nd period

unit 1 contents reading comprehending & learning about language

teaching aims knowledge vocabulary words rare,valuable,survive,vase,dynasty,amaze,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel, artist,belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth

phrases in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than

1. get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this part

2. let students learn some important and useful sentence patterns

ability 1. get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.

2. enable students to make sentences after the useful sentence patterns.

emotion 1. stimulate students' interest in learning english.

2. develop students’ spirits of cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials importance 1. enable students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as survive,belong,doubt,belong to,in search of,etc.

2. get students to master the patterns:“sadly,although the amber room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing,and“there is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg.. .”

difficulties 1.let students learn the usages of the words“belong“ and“doubt”and the expression ”belong to“.

2.get students to understand some difficult and long sentences.

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teaching & learning methods 1. task-based teaching & learning

2. cooperative learning

3. discussion

teaching procedures

the 2nd period

learning about important language points

step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. ask some students to tell the history of the amber room.

step 2 reading and finding

get students to read through warming up,pre-reading,reading and comprehending to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.

a cultural relic,be rare. and valuable,survive for a long time,whether... or not,an amazing history,be used to do...,the design of the room,the fancy style,popular in those days,give the name,decorated with gold and jewels,in fact,as a gift of...,in return,be made to be a gift,serve as,add more details to,the search for,be made for, one of the wonders,art objects,look much like...,at war,remove... from...,remain a mystery,be ready for.

read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book after class.

step 3 practice for useful words and expressions

1. turn to page 3. go through the exercises in discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.

2. give them several minutes to finish the exercises. they first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners.

3. check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.

step 4 vocabulary study

1. survive vt. & vi。

1)vi. continue to live or exist继续生存或存在

few survived after the flood. 洪水后生还者极少。

the custom still survives. 这种风俗习惯还保存着。

2)vt. continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed


he survived the shipwreck. 在这次船只沉没事件中他幸免于难。

the plants may not survive the frost. 这些植物不经冻。

the house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击,这所房屋并未倒塌。

3)vt. remain alive after sb.比某人长命

he survived his wife for many years. 他比妻子多活好多年。


survivor,person or thing that has survived幸存者;逃生者;残存物

survival n. 1)state of continuing to live or exist幸存;残存;生存

2) person, thing, custom,belief, etc. that has survived from an earlier time 遗老;遗习;旧风俗;旧思想

2. belong to: be the property of; be a member of 属于;是…的成员

the land belongs legally to the government. 该地依法属政府所有。

the blue sky belongs equally to us all. 蓝天为我们所共有。

they belonged to a younger generation. 他们属于年轻的一代。


belong to不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。例如:


正:this book belongs to me.

误:this book is belonged to me.

误:this book is belonging to me.

3. in return: as payment or a reward for sth. 作为对某事的酬谢或回报

i bought him a drink in return for his help.我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。

he presented her a notebook in return. 他回赠给她一本笔记本。

4. doubt n. & v.uncertainty or disbelief; reason for not believing sth.


there is not much doubt about it. 这没什么可怀疑的。

i have doubts about his competence. 我对他的能力有很大怀疑。

he has his doubt to this being true. 他怀疑这件事是否属实。

please dismiss all doubts about it. 怀疑是人的天性。

i do not doubt of your success. 我不怀疑你的成功。

i doubt whether/if he is at home. 我看他不一定在家.

i do not doubt that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下来。

can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗?

i doubt what he said. 我不相信他说的话。

5.remain vi. usually not used the continuous tenses通常不用于进行时态

1)be left or still present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with剩下;剩余)

after the fire,very little remained of my house. 火灾过后,寒舍所剩无几。

if you take 3 from 8,5 remains. 8减3剩5。

2)be left to be seen, done, said, etc. 留待以后去看、去做、去说等

it remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。

much remains to be done. 要做的事情还很多。.

3) stay in the same place;stay behind停留,逗留;留下

i remained in london until may. 我在伦教一直待到五月.

she left,but i remained(behind). 她走了,我没走。

4) continue to be;stay in the same condition仍然是;保持不变

we should remain modest and prudent. 我们应该保持谦虚谨慎。

let things remain as they are. 保持现状吧.




this place remains cool all summer. 这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。


he stayed to see the end of the game. 他一直待到比赛结束。

step 5 sentence focus

1. this gift was the amber room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.


这是一个复合句,句中which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it为非限制性定语从句,从句中又含有原因状语从句because several tons of amber were used to make it。

非限制性定语从句,修饰物时用which, whose;修饰人时用who, whom, whose。非限制性定语从句和它的先行词之间只是松散的关系,往往是对先行词作补充说明,这种从句在朗读时有停顿,在文字中通常有逗号与主句隔开。例如:

the chairman,who spoke first,sat on my right.


the speech,which bored everyone,went on and on.



on april 1 they flew to beijing,where they stayed several days.


i'm seeing the manager tomorrow,when he will be back from new york.



they have invited us to visit their country,which is very kind of them.


they usually take a walk after supper,which does them a lot of good.


2. the design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.


这是一个“主系表”结构的句子,in the fancy style...在句子中用作表语,注意介词in的用法,此处表示“以……方式,以……式样,以……风格”。类似用法有in a different way等。

popular in those days是形容词短语修饰the fancy style,形容词词组作定语时,通常都作后置定语。例如:

they have a house larger than yours. 他们的房子比你的大.

the boys easiest to teach are in my class. 我班上的男生最好教了。


a house larger than yours= a house which is larger than yours

the boys easiest to teach=the boys who are easiest to teach

3. in 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.


句子中的the way she wanted作状语,表示方式。此句实际为the room was

completed the way she wanted it to be completed, the way表示“方式;方法”,在定语从句中作状语时,后面的从句的引导词常常用that或in which或省略。例如:

i was never allowed to do things the way i wanted.


we have to make it work in the way(that/in which) they want it to.


he was looking at her in the way that surprised her.


4. there is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg,which was at that time a german city on the baltic sea.


这是一个复合句,that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg是同位语从句,表示与之同位的doubt的实际内容。which was at that time a german city on the baltic sea是konigsberg的非限制性定语从句,先行词为konigsbergo

同位语从句常用that来引导,但随着与其同位的名词不同,也可由when, where,whether, how等来引导。例如:

they had to face the fact that the nearest filling station is thirty kilometers away. 他们不得不面对这样一个现实:最近的加油站还在30千米外。

the doctors came to the conclusion that the patient was suffering from cancer. 医生们作出了诊断结果:病人身患癌症。

i have no idea when he will return.我不知道他何时回来。

* there is no doubt that...可作为固定句型来用,意思是“毫无疑间……”。例如:

there is no doubt that he is a fine scholar.


there is no doubt that you can find a way to solve this problem.


step 6 using words and expressions

turn to page 42. ask students to do the exercises in using words and expressions in the workbook. the following procedures may be followed:

1. go through the two exercises with students and make sure they know what to do.

2. several minutes for students to finish them individually.

3. check the answers with the whole class.

step 7 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises. do exercise 3 in your exercise book.

2. learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.

the 3rd period

unit 1 contents learning about language

teaching aims knowledge vocabulary words local


1.get students to know the structures of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

2. let students learn the usages of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

ability enable students to use the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses correctly and properly.

emotion l. get ss to become interested in grammar learning.

2. develop ss' sense of group cooperation.


of the teaching materials importance 1. get students to master the structures and usages of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

2. let students know the differences between the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.

difficulties enable students to learn how to use the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses correctly.

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teaching & learning methods 1. task-based teaching & learning

2. cooperative learning & practice

teaching procedures

step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. dictate some important sentences in the passage in search o f the amber room.

step 2 grammar revision

ask students to review relative pronouns and relative adverbs and then do some related exercises.

step 3 learning about grammar

1. let students pick out the sentences that use the attributive clauses from warming up,pre-reading and reading,read them aloud and then translate them into english.

2. ask students to study these sentences,and compare the sentence“this gift was he amber room,which was given this name because almost several tons of amber were used to make it with the others. let them try to find the difference.

3. sum up:restrictive & non-restrictive clauses.

do the following pair of sentences mean the same thing?

my uncle,who lives in london,is very rich.

my uncle who lives in london is very rich.

the first sentence has a non-restrictive clause within two commas,and the second has a restrictive clause. a non-restrictive clause simply adds more information into the sentence and does not affect the meaning of the main clause;it is therefore bracketed off with commas. conversely,a restrictive clause defines its referent in the main clause more specifically and contributes significantly to the meaning of the sentence.

step 4 grammar practice

1. let students finish exercise 3 and exercise 4 in discovering useful structures on page 4 and exercises in using structures on page 43.

2. check the answers with the whole class,and see how well the students did.

step 5 additional exercises

provide some exercises for students to test whether they have grasped the restrictive & non-restrictive attributive clauses.

step 6 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises. do the exercises in using structures in your exercise book.

2. preview the next part using language.

the 4th period

unit 1 contents using language: reading & talking

teaching aims knowledge vocabulary words trial,consider,opinion,evidence,prove,pretend

phrases more than,even though

1. get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part

2. let students know what a fact is,what an opinion is and the difference between them.

ability 1. develop students’reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.

2. train students’ speaking ability and enable them to tell the difference between facts and opinions and talk about something which interests them and about something which they are familiar with.

emotion 1. enable students to learn from feng jicai and protect cultural relics in their home town or city.

2. develop students' sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials importance 1. develop students’reading skills by extensive reading.

2. train students' speaking ability by telling the difference between fact and opinion and talking about something which interests them and about which they are familiar with.

difficulties 1. enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.

2. get ss tolearn how to tell facts from opinions.

multimedia computer ppt

teaching & learning methods 1. task-based teaching & learning

2. cooperative learning & practice

3. discussing

teaching procedures

the 4th period

step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. ask students to translate some sentences using the attributive clause.

step 2 warming up by discussing

tell students:we are going to read a passage about fact,opinion and evidence. before reading it,let`s discuss the following questions.

1. if you want to go in for law against somebody,and if you want to win,what`s the most important thing, you should do first?

2. what makes a judge decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe?

step 3 reading

1. ask students to turn to page 5.

2. two minutes for students to read the passage fast and try to get the main idea.

3. four minutes for students to read the passage again and answer the questions.

what is a fact?

what is an opinion?

what is evidence?

4. ask students to listen to the tape and read the passage aloud.

5. photocopy a brief newspaper article,preferably one which talks about. a crime trial. then have students pick out the facts and opinions and give reasons for their answers.

step 4 talking

1. ask students to turn to page 41 and make a dialogue giving facts and opinions.

2. let them check and practice the dialogue in pairs and then give a performance for the class.

step 5 reading task

1. show students feng jicai`s photo and one of his novels and talk about them.

2. ask students to turn to page 45,read the passage big feng to the rescue to try to find the best summary and answer these questions.

3. let students discuss:how can we do to help feng jicai with his projects?

step 6 summing up

ask students to choose one of the following to prepare and then report to the class.

1. tell the differences between facts and opinions.

2. tell something about how feng jicai protected the cultural relics of his hometown.

3. talk about something which interests you in your own life.

step 7 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises.

2. read the two passages again and try to grasp the main idea of them.

the 5th period

unit 1 contents using language: listening & speaking

teaching aims knowledge 1. get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this unit.

2. let students learn the expressions of asking for opinions and giving opinions.

are you sure he/she was telling the truth? how do you know that?

how can you be sure he/she was telling the truth?

why/why not?

i don't believe...,because...

that can't be true. it is(not) a fact.

i (don't) agree with you. i don't agree that..,

it can be proved. the truth is (not) easy to know.

i think they have said useful things.…has no reason to lie.

ability 1. enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.

2. develop students’ability to get special information and take notes while listening.

3. get students to learn how to ask for opinions and give opinions.

4. let students write a short report.

emotion 1. enable students to know more about cultural relics and stimulate their sense of protecting cultural relics.

2. develop students’sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials importance 1. develop students' listening and speaking abilities.

2. enable students to master different listening skills.

3. let the students learn how to ask for opinions and give opinions.

difficulties 1. get students to listen and understand different listening materials.

2. develop students’speaking ability.

multimedia computer ppt

teaching & learning methods 1. task-based teaching & learning

2. cooperative learning

3. discussing

teaching procedures

the 5th period

step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. ask some students to talk about facts,opinions and evidence.

step 2 warming up by talking

ask students to talk about the story of the amber room and its fate. tell the students:

no one knows exactly what happened to the amber room. a few people say that they were eyewitnesses who saw where the amber room was hidden. listen to their stories. .-

step 3 listening on pages 5-6

turn to page 6.ask students to look at the two forms and listen to the tape,take notes of what they hear and fill in the forms.

step 4 speaking on page 6

turn to page 6.ask students to share their forms with a partner,discuss together which person gave the best evidence,write down a short list of reasons for their choice and then give a short report about their list to the class.

step 5 listening on page 41

ask students to turn to page 41,look at the picture and talk about the aswan dam and abu simbel temple. let them listen to the tape and answer the questions and then check the answers with the class.

step 6 listening task on page 44

1. ask students to look at the picture on page 44 and describe it. then play the tape for students to listen to and get the main idea of the listening text.

2. let students listen again and fill in the chart with details.

3. ask students to listen to the tape a third time and try to get the right answers.

step 7 consolidation

show students the three listening texts,let them read the texts aloud and then retell them.

step 8 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises.

2. read the listening texts again and try to retell them.

the 6th period

unit 1 contents using language: reading & speaking

teaching aims knowledge vocabulary words treasure,besides

phrases search for,think highly of

1. 1. get students to learn and master the new words and useful expressions:

2. let students know the form of an english letter.

ability 1. develop students’writing ability by writing letters.

2. enable students to express agreement and disagreement.

3. enable students to express good reasoning and strong feelings.

emotion 1. stimulate students’sense of cultural relic's protection and encourage them to persuade others to protect cultural relics.

2. enable students to master writing skills and write excellent letters.


of the teaching materials importance 1. develop students’writing ability.

2. get students to use the expressions of expressing agreement and disagreement,and reasoning.

difficulties 1. get students to learn to express good reasoning and strong feelings.

2. let students learn how to write a persuasive letter.

multimedia computer ppt

teaching & learning methods 1. task-based teaching & learning

2. cooperative learning

3. discussing

teaching procedures

the 6th period

step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. ask students to dictate the new words and expressions:treasure,besides,think highly of,tell the truth,etc.

step 2 warming up

ask students to talk about cultural relics found in their daily life. ask them what they would do if they found a rare cultural relic.

step 3 reading

let students read the letter and answer some questions according to the letter.

step 4 writing

ask students to have a class debate and write a report on their debate.

step 5 writing task

suppose there is one cultural relic in your hometown that is worth saving or protecting. write a letter to all the students of your school to encourage them to help save the cultural relic.

1. let students read the outline as a guide.

2. give 10 minutes to them to write the letter.

3. ask as many students as possible to read their letters to the class.

step 6 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises.

2. write the two letters in your exercise book.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
