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in our daily life, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feelmore joyous. but we’ll feel lonely without friends.when our friends feel upsetor get ill, we shouldn’t ignore them or look down upon them. on the contrary, weought to calm them down, show our love and concern to them and try our best tohelp them overcome the hardships. sometimes we may have some misunderstandingsor disagreements with our friends, thus we had better have a discussion withthem and try to accept their good ideas instead of quarreling with them. as longas we can follow these good suggestions, we’ll find it easy to make morefriends。




















everyone has their own stories in life.some are joyful,some are bitter evena little embarrassment across in. every story in the movie seems to be soexciting,wondful and beautiful,but our real life likely to cantrary to the falsestories.

it is one of my stories between my friend with me,though the abscense oflots of the episodes that should happen in the false stories,i still hardlyforget it and him.my old friend where are you?whether you are waiting for me toscramble over the wall,or brag with each other again. at least,i alwaysmemorised what we both used to do ever, and the motto just for you and me.

it was the first time,what a fucking school! we had to stay in "jail"eating rubbish food for lunch and gambled through all lunch time.oh,come on,giveme a break,god! did you see that other high school students hold a girl in armwith a cigarette on the mouth walking in the street at lunch time. why i sayingthis was totally not i wanna compare with those guys or something like as that igrudge them. actually, a beef burger and a cup of milk that was enough for me.for sure one more pack of chips was better,whatever small pack or large one.rather,a little computer game would make me fell that the world is sobeautiful.

"hi,hao wen,how do you think about the school rule?" i asked

"whatever,i do it in my style",he said maturely

"oh? do something different! so can you tell me what's your plan?" i askedcuriously

"it is just a very easy action but doesn't sound easy. we school break,doyou follow me?" he smiled at me

"wh...a...t? what you mean?" i was very confused to ask him

"have you watched the serials of prison break?" he asked

suddenly,i rapidly stayed in silent. let me think about it. five minuteslater."yes,why not? it must be so exciting,but tell me how? how to school break?i asked

"we see at the school yard after the fourth period,then you will get it."he didn't answer me immediately

"now tell me how to get out of here" i asked

"come on ,the answer is in front of you." he replied

"what? are you kidding me? it's just a wall, or you mean that we need toscramble over it." i asked with a little anger

"yes, that 's it." he grined at me

"it's impossible, i've never done that ever." i said disoppointed

"hi!be confident.can't you see the brand of your t-shirts you wore? wa,a...oh! you are so rich, the brand of xtep is under the brand of metersbone,you are wearing in brand." he said so exciting

"so what?" i asked

"what you are scared of now? nothing is impossible, i walk in my style asif the sense of flying."

he encouraged me

"what a nice saying,you are so literate,but that doesn't make sense at all"i said

"don't worry about it,believe in yourself. you try your best to do it andwill done it perfectly. give yourself a chance.ok! i lead the way." he said

"uh....wai...t,damn!" i murmured

"congratulations! you've done well." he said

"i promise that's my first time also is my last time." i said

"a haha hah! it's just a beginning. you are a talent and courageous warriori've never seen before.by the way, beautiful girls are waiting for us." hegrined

a girl with a head of light black hairs that covered a watery almond eyewore in pink. her lips seemed to be so sweet,and that looked so irresistable.hi,hi...hao wen look this one. this sexy,beautiful and luscious girl who isexactly the kind of girls i fascinated in. oh,my god! the kind of cure girls arehere,too. jesus forgive me,please! but why didn't you tell me they were justliving the small square boxes." i asked

"you are a colour wolf,aren't you?" he replied

"bulshit,you are a fucker." i refuted

"oh, come on! don't deny. all right. tomorrow i will introduce to you agirl who is like that you just told me." as usual, he smiled at me

"really?" i asked him happily

"no,i am kidding you." he laughed

then we both laughed from face to face. it was somhow like if the westernjokes that are very easy but funny and interesting. we both enjoyed it much atthe age of 15 years old.

running,running,be quick,or we will be late. i don't want to stand outsideof the class though the whole period. come on,come to catch up me. the last onewill get the "nice" title of turtle king. of course, the champion will be therunning elite. i am sure that i will be the first one the destination. yes,o,ye!he was always very confident about anything, he never thought he will get lost.that was one of his traits i was really envious of him.

the things that in the reality are not always go straight like as thethings in the movie. i got cramp and callapsed. "are you ok?" he asked

"you'd better to go now,it takes much time to recover from cramp." isaid

"that's ok,i wait for you." he replied

"what a stupid idiot you are, you are getting late. come on, just leave mealone and go please." i said desperately

now listen to me,we had defeated the enemies who are ten times as more us,and escaped from many plights.

although these things all happend in computer games,one thing will not bechanged forever,you are my best comrade. before it was,now it is, future it willbe. so i can't leave you here.now give me your hands. thereafter,he took me tothe calss on his back in time.

four years later, when my back from the hell to home,i was trying tocontact to him,but my other friends told me "he had gone". they said that oneday, he didn't come to school then they never saw him again.

they had tried to connect to him before,but he changed his telephone numberand moved. i was shocked by the news. i was going to retaste the feeling ofscrambling with him,even i didn't mind if thos who see us scrambling what theylook us as.

after all,without you without my part of childhood memories.


i still remember the titanic, though it's a big ship but it still sunk, so,in my opinion, the best ship is the friendship. friendship is one of the mostimportant things in everyone's life.

when you’re down, friends lift you up. when you lose your way, friendsguide you and cheer you on

everyone need friends because there are a lot of things that you can't dealwith yourself, and the friend’s just make up for it.

when you’re down, friends lift you up. when you lose your way, friendsguide you and cheer you on

friendship just likes the sun, it can make you fell warm though in the coldwinter, friendship just likes the water in the desert, it can make you fell thatin the world, there still has hope .in a word, the friendship is the samemeaning as the greatness, selfness and devotion.

to make friends ,adding a friend equals adding a way ,open your heart,devote yourself ,let friendship make your world colorful 。




我很快干完了工作回到教室。这时上课铃响了,我快速坐下来,准备拿出课本。忽然,我的视线落在了课桌的角落上,一个透明的小袋子引起了我的注意。我轻轻将它地拿了起来,打开透明的小袋子,里面是一张卡片。卡片是长方形的,贺卡上有一只小熊用它那水汪汪的大眼睛笑咪咪地看着我。小熊坐在小木椅上,旁边有一棵圣诞树,树上挂满了大大小小各种各样的礼物。下面写着六个鲜艳的大字:高歌收 艾迪雅我急忙打开贺卡,上面有四行整整齐齐的话:高歌,你是我最最好的朋友,在圣诞来临之际,我祝你圣诞快乐,别忘了向你爸妈要礼物哦! 你永远永远的好朋友 艾迪雅看完了贺卡,我心里顿时暖暖的,心情一下就好了起来。我的思绪也飞向了远方。


正式竞选的那天早晨,我踏着铃声来到教室,发现桌子上有一张小纸条。我打开纸条,上面写着简简单单的一行大字:不用紧张,不用担心,你是最棒的,我永远支持你,为你加油!你的支持者 艾迪雅读着纸条上这鼓励的话,我的眼睛湿润了,泪水在眼眶里打转。我被我和艾迪雅之间纯真的友谊深深地感动了。在艾迪雅的鼓励下,我终于赢得了竞选,当上了大队长。


















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
