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my life is a blank paper, is my parents brought me into this world, so thepaper began with the color of life, enthusiastic red, pure white, bright yellow,leisurely and comfortable green, occasionally also can appear just light.

when i fail, my parents always cheer me up. my parents always comfort mewhen i'm sad. when i succeed, my parents will laugh with me. when i make amistake, my parents will always be patient with education me, enlighten me.

it's cold, my parents always tell me to wear more clothes; far away, myparents often told me to pay attention to my body. there is some nagging, but itcontains deep love.

we all say that maternal love is great, the mother love is great, not onlyis her selflessness and selflessness, a cup of water, a clothing, all haveparents to our care.

we often think that when we grow up, we will be able to repay our parents.but we have thought, time is not rao, wait for us to have the interest, but thenparents may be no longer.

the greatest sorrow in the world is this. parents don't need a goodmaterial life, they need our care. from now on, share points for yourparents!


global warming

there is little doubt that the planet is warming. over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree celsius). the warmest since the mid 1800’s was the 1990s. the hottest years recorded were 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003.

the united nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century’s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted. if the ice caps melt, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water. monuments and great buildings, as well as homes and lives will be under water, including new york city.

so now we know what some of the causes are for global warming, how can we as individuals do our part to help save the planet?

the answer is simpler than you may think. you don’t have to go miles away from home to protest, or spend masses of money. if you try to follow the few simple steps that i shall now give you, you will have started to help us all.

firstly, plant a tree. this could be easier than it sounds. join or help out a local wildlife group and ask to plant a tree. trees, when fully grown, will help keep the planet cooler. on the same point, you could protest against the demolition of the rainforests. this is the same principle, we need the trees to cool our planet and yet they are chopping them down to create roads or homes.

something as simple as walking instead of taking the car will help reduce pollution. as well as stopping pollution, you are giving yourself exercise, something important for our bodies. so the next time you get into your car, or your motorbike, think - do i have to make this journey by vehicle or can i walk?

when you are at home, and your getting a little cold. put a jumper on and do not adjust the heating. the extra heat produced by our homes also affects the planet. so try wearing an extra layer in winter.

if possible, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. and try to avoid imported goods. the more foreign food that we import the more pollution from aeroplanes and boats it will create.

keeping to the speed limit can also help the environment. the more you speed the more petrol you are going to use, making the pollution higher. also, suv’s make about six times their own weight in co2 each year. a small efficient diesel car covering the same distance not only uses much less fuel; it makes two thirds less.

if possible use solar energy, after all it is free; all you need to buy is the equipment. you can get much of your hot water and heating from the sun and even generate electricity.

reduce, reuse and recycle. only buy what you need; don’t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use. reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. it really is as simple as that.

finally turning off unused sources of power such as televisions and heaters will help the environment, as well as save you money.

if everybody stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth. so please take into consideration what i have said, and try to do your part. after all, it will be our next generation that will feel the effects.


alibaba group founder ma yun said: "if you do not take action, don't give your dreams a chance to practice, you will never have a chance." friends, light innovation passion and dreams, just to let you see the door to success, only you have the courage to pay hard, for the dream of unremitting efforts, it can be stepped into the threshold of success. ma yun's success is a good illustration of this point. in 1995, ma decided to resign from the university teaching work, the formation of the internet chinese. at that time, the internet for the united states and other developed countries is just beginning, even even bill gates are opposed to the internet, in china, not to mention the, the vast majority of people don't know what it is. so, when he called twenty-four friends to vote on the matter, there are twenty-three people opposed that the internet simply can not achieve this thing. he finds the internet will change the human life, believe that their ideal will be realized, resolutely embarked on the path of entrepreneurship. but no money, no difficulties as can be imagined, even human, he was mocked as a liar.

i believe many friends present here today have seen the program "yu dan zhuangzi experience", which has a story that i am inspired by, say, keiko ah, one day to see zhuang zi, saying my house has a large gourd, there are five stone. if you put it into two halves, when to scoop water, the gourd skin is too thin, it is broken up in one fell swoop. it doesn't have anything to do with it. it's a big thing. chuang-tzu said to him, how do you think it must split when the scoop? if it is a complete big gourd, why don't you put it on his waist line, as swimming ring with it? you can go swimming in the river, with a large gourd free to drift this! a story inspires us, in real life, the state determines the judgment of things, it can completely change the fate of a person, we should stand in a large state, know how to change an angle to think, think about whether we can change the way the way of getting along with people, think about whether our method of work can be improved. we think the skills would further improve. friends, a person to be successful, first of all to have a sense of innovation, as long as you have the dream of innovation and passion, the success of the door is always open for you, life will be more wonderful!

the asian wall street journal editor in chief, has described ma entrepreneurs in their early work environment, "day and night work, to have a sleeping bag, who tired drill into sleep for a while." however, advocating martial spirit of ma with extraordinary courage and perseverance, with his sword through the clutter and opened a through the broad road to the top of the success and ultimately swordsman, become a "peerless master", and describe the business of a myth! everyone want to make your life more exciting, often troubled and confused, but as long as have the passion and dreams, persistent innovation, a door for you open - that is, the door to success!

finally gave everyone a poetic couplet: innovation, career, do not cause; innovation, defeat, also defeated the unbeaten. hengpi: innovation decides success or failure!


我相信在座的很多朋友都看过 于丹《庄子》心得这个节目,其中有个故事让我很受启发,说的是,惠子啊,有一天去见庄子,说我家有一个大葫芦,有五石之大。要是把它一劈两半,当瓢去盛水的话,这个葫芦皮太薄,往上一举它就碎了。反正用它盛什么东西都不行,这葫芦大得没什么用处。庄子告诉他说,你怎么就认为它非要劈开当瓢使呢?如果它是一个完整的大葫芦,你为什么不把它系在腰间,用它当做游泳圈呢?你可以去浮游于江海啊,带着一个大葫芦自由自在的去漂泊!这个故事启发我们,在现实生活中,境界的大小决定了对事物的判断,也可以完全改变一个人的命运,我们要站在大境界上,懂得换一个角度去思考问题,想想我们待人接物的方式是否可以改变,想想我们的工作方法是否能够改进,想想我们所掌握的技能是否还可能再提高。朋友们,一个人要想成功,首先要有创新的意识,只要你拥有创新的梦想和激情,成功之门就始终为你敞开着,生命一定会更加精彩!




chinese new year

chinese new year is the most important festivity for the chinese people. itis also called the spring festival or the lunar new year.

every year has an animals name. these animals are the rat, ox, tiger,rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. a chineselegend says that these twelve animals had a race. the first year was named afterthe rat, the winner. the other eleven years were named after the order in whichthe animals arrived in the race. the clever rat jumped onto the oxs back then atthe end jumped over the oxs head to arrive first!

the chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of thecharacteristics of animal.

on chinese new years eve all family members enjoy a big, delicious meal. itis very important for the chinese to be with their families on this occasion.fish is always part of the dinner because it represents abundance.

on new years day all chinese children wear new clothes with bright colors.red is considered a lucky color. parents and relatives give children thetraditional new years gift called lucky money. this money is put into bright redand gold envelopes. fill under the pillow. in the morning of new year , the kidwakes up to see the lucky money, exprethat oneself become one year older. red isa traditional color for festivals, celebrations, weddings and birthdays.

the lion dancers are always part of the festivities. the lion has a bighead and long body made of cloth. the lion dance is accompanied by drums,cymbals and noisy firecrackers. according to ancient traditions the great noisefrightens away evil spirits.


micro-blogging is no longer a strange word. more precisely, it has become part of our life.

as for me, many factors contribute to the widespread of micro-blogging. first, it is very convenient for people to express their instant feelings at any time. second, it provides a chance for people to release their inner stress. by revealing their heartfelt emotions on the micro-blogging, their friends may also know about their conditions and can offer in-time comfort.

however, micro-blogging can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away peoplesquo;s privacy and other significant information.

all in all, micro-blogging provides us comfort and also inevitably some concerns. we should be careful while using it.


i am grateful for the opportunity to deliver my speech here after 7-dayssquo; preparation with my friend jinly. thanks to jinlysquo;s strong support in our work. i think it is my way of saying thank you to you that giving an excellent presentation to all my friends here.

the subject of our presentation is your dream & your goal. during the next 10 minutes, wesquo;ll give you a brief explanation of these stuff at the best of our knowledge.

first of all, isquo;d like to spent 3 or 5 minutes on discussing about the dream. when we were 5, they asked us what we want to be when we grow up. we answered like superman, princess, or in my case, a sailor moon. when we were 10, again they asked and the answer was policemen, doctors and some other high-principled s. but unfortunately, we finally found our dreams unrealistic as we entered a not-so-good high school, did not-so-good school works and went to a not-so-good direction in our life. i guess, many of you have thought about changing your dreams, but finally felt at a loss again. yep! wesquo;re adults and they are waiting for a serious answer. well, how about this? who the hell knows! dream is only a dream. itsquo;s unnecessary for us to think over our dreams all day long. you know, dreams always change, and this is not the time to make difficult decisions. but what do dreams do? why do we still have an urgent need of dreams?

think about it: do you have had a time when you were full of happiness just because you have made an achievement that pushes you a bit to your dream? do you have had a time when you insist on what you were doing even the tears keep falling from your eyes? that is the power from dreams! may i equate the faith and the dream here? as we all know, aims and dreams are far from each other to some extent but close to each other on the other hand. just like the parabola and the number line in mathematics. but it is the dream that help us to map out our aim and work out plans one after another in our life. just like what howard schultz, the founder of the starbuck said, dreams are like the stars----we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. and i believe that if you have a dream and make efforts step by step, some of you may extremely finish the quantitative change on the way to success and reach the qualitative change!

i would like to finish my part by a tongue twister: whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. we'll weather the weather whether we like it or not. whatever you dreams are and however difficult it is to realize them. reach your aim step by step and i believe your dreams will extremely come into truth!

thank you for your lending an attentive ear to my point of view. letsquo;swelcome jinly and she will talk about the goal, which is the other part of our presentation, during the next 5 minutes.

forgive my stupid words and itsquo;s my pleasure to answer any of your questions after class!

you have been a very attentive audience---- thank you~!

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
