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was reading the big fish’s smell of blood is smelled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person’s left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick, the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish. but the big fish’s meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand " this work time actually was resting " time, i also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit. in the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating.

finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish’s hugeness, explained senior fisherman overcomes the difficulty was big, non- was more common than.

the novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must welcome difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way. only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory.


when people really want to go, and god just opened it cannot be denied that opportunity waits for no one, and it is not a passive, doesn't wait for you to analyze this, analyze that, considering this, consider that after a series of trivial events, then decided to do it. perhaps it was a fleeting "genie", which is the test of our courage and bravery, wisdom and spirit. but it does not mean that all things should not be considered, careful of personae dramatis, if that is the case, then we have to do with the ancient differences? opportunity and a need to treasure, need to take advantage of the encounter opportunity is very "difficult", thoroughly to fully use, it is "difficult". how to better "perfection", is a priority. starts mean, back out, rascally.


wuthering heights was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author emily bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. it was not until 1850, when wuthering heights received a second printing with an introduction by emilys sister charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. and from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of english literature.

even so, wuthering heights continues to divide readers. it is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. it is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. and yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written.

the novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. after a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from nelly deans, a servant who introduces us to the earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as wuthering heights. it was once a cheerful place, but old earnshaw adopted a gipsy child who he named heathcliff. and catherine,daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion:wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. but although catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. she instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all.

wuthering heights is a bit difficult to get into; the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. but they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. catherine and heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other.

as the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction,and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: heathcliff,driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. yes, this is madness, insanity,and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond.

i read wuthering heights twice, for the first time like reading other books caocao, swallow jujube, fog in the cloud, don 't understand its meaning. the second time had to helplessly read again, in a word, carefully, this just read the taste. here, i have to admit that emily bronte is indeed a genius writer, her talent is no less than any famous or unknown writer since literature. although emily only spent 30 short spring and autumn in this world, but this is unusual. she had never stepped out of the town where she was born, but her sky was wider and deeper than anyone else. as one of the famous bronte sisters, she deserves the name. her poems are vast blue, give a person with courage and strength, the only novel " wuthering heights" is pure white, quiet and peaceful, and will generate out of different passion - emotion, to fanaticism and agitation, as if the extreme white, but both colors are so clean and pure.

the love in wuthering heights is so special that it is different from the love created in any novel so far. this " emily" type of love is so sincere, frank, never half of the wriggle and feminine affections. only such feelings, is really from the heart of the people, is from the human nature. interwoven in all of this, is so naked, no half of the prison, also never thought of the prison. this is the world 's most real erotic portrayal, emily never put it on the so-called " literary coat"。 emily shaped the protagonists, love is so strong, beyond everything, even the distance between life and death. the depth of love, the pain. skriv' s hatred is so strong, real and powerful. this desire for revenge, strong enough to destroy everything around him. the fire of vengeance burned the feud between the two families. when catherine died, he was so miserable. catherine took his love and everything. although he is still alive, but and death. he even got so much, but still not enough to fill his loss, the trauma of his heart. because catherine is dead, his life is meaningless. when he calls his lover day and night like a ghost, he is no longer available. he tormented others, also all the time not to hurt his body. his revenge, he got so many people 's property, but he lost the last pillar to support their survival, so, at this moment, he died.

in skriv and the hero of this generation, love is always stronger than hate, emotion always above and reason, so they are easy to crazy, but let a person respect. their next generation - that kind of reason than emotional love, compared to them, is how pale, much less. emily 's advanced writing techniques, coupled with this wonderful literary thinking, no wonder people will be the unique book as " the only outstanding work is not covered by the dust of time"。



this is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. the story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.

it seems to me that many readerssquo; english reading experience starts with jane eyer. i am of no exception. as we refer to the movie jane eyer, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.

jane eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. since janesquo;s education in lowwood orphanage began, she didnsquo;t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. the suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.as a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, jane got a chance to be a tutor in thornfield garden. there she made the acquaintance of lovely adele and that gardensquo;s owner, rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: after jane and rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following rochester and led to his moodiness all the time ----rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation. jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didnsquo;t want to betray her own principles, because she was jane eyer. the film has finally got a symbolist end: jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. after finding rochestersquo;s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, jane chose to stay with him forever.

i donsquo;t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, i would rather regard the section that jane began her teaching job in thornfield as the filmsquo;s end----especially when i heard janesquo;s words never in my life have i been awaken so happily. for one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. but the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: there must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of janesquo;s life that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get. (by forrest gumpsquo;s mother, in the film forrest gump)

whatsquo;s more, this film didnsquo;t end when jane left thornfield. for jane eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for rochester, how he can get salvation? the film gives the answer tentatively: jane eventually got back to rochester. in fact, when jane met rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant rochester would get retrieval because of jane. we can consider rochestersquo;s experiences as that of religion meaning. the fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life. after it, rochester got the mercy of the god and the love of the woman whom he loved. here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides. the value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.


the 19 th-century french writer "notre dame de paris" describes how the heroine grew up into a bell, and being abused...

while another hero esmeralda beauty unsurpassed, pure good, good, she and her brilliant kid is give a person with infinite daydream in the whole novel the romance of luminescent spot, is the embodiment of beauty and freedom, but in the asceticism in the s, such as a flower of beautiful life is in the middle ages the lamentable to collapse too.

life is like a piano, someone pops up on the keys in the spring of hope, shade in the summer, the autumn harvest, the joy of winter, which made us read the two characters together again with misfortunes.

life the good teacher every day with you, with you, you just haven't found.


this story tells the story of the hero accidentally accidentally drifting to london, londons two billionaire brothers made a bet. elder brother think if you give him a $one million pounds, 30 days later he will be unable to prove that the money is his own and starved to death, and the younger brother is think he will live very well. so they gave a piece of millions of pounds to henry, their two people to travel abroad for 30 days. came back and told henry that piece because millions of pounds by all people, to bring him, and almost all things are to let him free to buy. and because of this piece of pounds to improve social status, and finally arrived in addition to the royal family of the supremacy of the duke of, is married to a beautiful wife, received thirty thousand yuan bank interest. and got good jobs from brother, lived a happy life.

ive realized people for the money, try very hard to bring one person, to the bow, and all aspects from obedience to him and arranged everything in place, just for the money. to have no money people, rude, arrogant to the rich people, honestly.

it makes me feel very angry, everything should be equal, and these people have only value money, as long as the rich man will treat him very well, but have no money will be arrogant rude. everyone is equal the reasonable use where go to?

in our life, but also often have such a thing, everyone cried out, should be equal, but see the rich man, but the lack of one by one all, just want to get more money, earn a little more, i dont think this is a very vital qi, i hope everyone can, put the correct injustices in the city!







in the summer vacation, i read a book which is called the christmas carol. it is written by charles dickens, a famous english writer.

the story is about ebenezer scrooge, a miser. scrooge always said about christmas, bah,humbug. he also didnsquo;t like spending money and giving money away even more. marley used to be the partners with scrooge. unfortunately, he died 7 years ago. one day, maleysquo;s ghost came to his home and told scrooge three christmas ghost would come to his home. firstly, ghost of christmas past came. he showed scrooge how he became a miser from a happy boy. then, ghost of christmas present came. he showed his employee and his nephewsquo;s happy lives. finally, ghost of christmas future came. he took scrooge to his grave in his future and showed him his lonely death is the result of his mean and miserly life. in the next morning, scrooge understood. he changed his living way and became generous. he donated money to the charity organization.

i think it is a good story. it tells us to be generous and help other people more. to be miserly and mean only do harm to other people and ourselves. helping others is a very good virtue. it makes you feel good, make others feel warm and make others remember you. as so many advantages, why you donsquo;t do this?






























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